• Day/time: SAT 1 - 2 PM

  • Session Duration: 4 weeks

  • Fees: $160

  • Students: 4 to 6 students per class

Class Description : 

This is a course for those either with or with no previous experience with medium, which covers painting techniques of oil/acrylic media on paper, canvas as well as collage. Each student will receive individual instruction based on their own skill level. 

This course emphasizes the development of a personal and creative use of painting media through an exploration of classic and contemporary imagery. Learn to trust their intuition and develop their natural ability to be creating an artwork.

Topics may include the use of composition, color, texture, form and value through still life, landscape, and portrait.

Through visual presentation, with plenty of discussion, demonstrations, exercises, and completing painting, students can expect an interesting, fun and informative painting class.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and skill in the use of materials and tools employed in oil /acrylic painting.

  • Identify and incorporate the elements and principles of visual art.

  • Identify a variety of painting styles and typical subjects.

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Ani - Bio coming soon

Payment and Missed Class Policy:

Training requires consistency in order to achieve the most benefit. However, we understand that students may occasionally need to miss a class. Use the following guidelines to ensure that you get the most out of your classes at The Academy of Creative Arts. 

  1. Your fees are due on or before the first class in a month

  2. Payment may be made by cash, check or credit card

  3. If you pay for several months in advance and cannot complete all months, we will refund months not used when notice is received before the beginning of the month

  4. If you or your child plan to miss a class - 48 hour advance notice is required - so another student can be accommodated - if the student does not provide 48 hour notice, student can coordinate the make-up class with the instructor.

  5. Your monthly fee pays for your space in class for the month. It is your responsibility to make up classes if you or your child miss the class.

  6. One makeup class will be offered each month. During any month that you are enrolled, you may make up a class by attending any other appropriate session (please coordinate with the instructor for scheduling the make up class). Make up classes should be completed within 60 days of missing the class. Fees for missed classes are not refundable.

  7. If you are having trouble scheduling a make up class, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you

  8. Class timings and schedule are subject to change

  9. If your child is disruptive and impacts the ability to learn for other students - we may request parents to un-enroll the child from the class for a safe and fun learning experience & environment for all the other students in the class.

We wish you a wonderful learning experience - these policies are required so that we can be respectful of the instructors time and commitment.